Wednesday, October 31, 2007

i personally think smoking is the worst habit one can ever get into. Life is so beautiful why don't we live it the way its supposed to be. We are given the lungs to breathe fresh air and not inhale so toxic substance that only looks good on the top. High number of people start smoking because it supposedly looks cool(LOL). How can smoke coming out your mouth look cool(ony people who smoke can understand this philosphy). Some believe it makes u feel good. i have never experienced it so i don't know how it makes u feel good. Only thing i can tell from the pictures that i have seen of a smokers lungs it doesn't look as if it will make u feel good. I have interacted with many people who smoke but they just seem to be enjoying it on the surface in reality they are going through terrible problems of different types. Some of them want to leave it but due to the addictive nature of tobacco its difficult to leave. Imagine life without the smokers, wouldn't it have been great.( i hate the guy who invented the ciagarette). Anyways due to the increasing pollution we are already inhaling some gases that are dangerous to inhale under normal conditions on top of that to feel cool or due to addiction people on this planet want to inhale more smoke. C'mon guys get a life.. Smoking is nothing but something that is harmful in the long run so just think logical and have a strong desire to leave smoking and everything in life will be fine. And for those who don't smoke stay away from it. The more far aay the better.